our goal is To assist our island keiki to $tart $aving and to $ucceed as they grow while building a strong financial foundation.

It’s never too early (or too late) to establish an account for your child!
FREE Kahului FCU piggy bank
Stamp Card Rewards system ($5 minimum deposit) - redeem for prizes
Double stamps on their birthday month!
Rewards for good grades
ATM card to check their balance and withdraw money
Online Banking (controlled by parent or guardian)
Share certificates
Christmas Savings Account
Utilize this account for bigger purchases (a new bike, game system, etc.)
CU $AVE (13 - 17 YEARS OLD)
Building savings habits and learning about financial literacy will help build a strong foundation for them as young adults into adulthood.
Stamp Card Rewards system ($5 minimum deposit) - redeem for gift cards
Rewards for good grades
Double stamps on their birthday month!
$50 graduation gift (bonus dividend*) to seniors! (high school or GED)
No minimum balance checking account
Debit card (with parental consent)
Online banking (controlled by parent)
Share certificates
Christmas Savings Account
Utilize this account for bigger purchases
Free access to Zogo
Young adults often go into the world without knowing much about finances and the importance of good credit health. Kahului FCU is here to assist them!
No minimum balance checking account
$50 graduation gift (bonus dividend*) for seniors! (high school, GED, college)
Introduction to all products and services
Kahului FCU VISA credit card to build credit
Refer a Friend/Family Rewards
Free access to Zogo